Batteries, chargers, adapters and other accessories.
Do you need power for your replicas? Well, it doesn't matter which replica you have, in our battery section you have a wide variety of options where you will find the solution that best suits your needs with efficient and safe batteries.
We have batteries of different types, sizes, voltages and capacities, from the classic Ni-HM to the modern lithium-ion and lithium polymer ones and with different types of connectors.
In our range of products related to this topic we have chargers of different models that allow you to charge your batteries quickly and easily, with the guarantee of the best brands, we also have other types of accessories such as connectors (adapters) to link your battery with any type of connector and charging bag for greater security.
Don't hesitate and enter our batteries section. We guarantee you will find the battery you are looking for. We are waiting for you!